Where Fresh Insight drives change

Historically, food innovations came from technology and breeding efforts. All new products were pushed into the market hoping to succeed and brands were build around one product or even a specific variety.

Time is changing and at Fresh Insight we believe that Food brands and innovations should be designed around consumer insights and trends to bring value and purpose at consumer level

We help companies in the Food industry discover “winning insights” and transform them into meaningful concepts, brands and designs targetting the young generations Y& Z.

Meet Elena Ozeritskaya

"Passionate about Consumer Insight & Co-Creation I have worked at companies as Unilever, Syngenta and Philips."

"I am always intrigued about the "WHY" consumers behave in a certain way and how FOOD BRANDS and PRODUCTS can benefit from that"

"I have helped many innovations develop into successful market introductions working on projects as Kumato (brown tomato), Angello (sweet & seedless pepper), Gwanipa (the lemon melon) and Calinda (winter strawberry)"

“At Fresh Insight we combine Consumer Trends & Insights with Branding & Design: shaping your value propositions and brands stories with powerful consumer insights and creative hooks"